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- 2 sp$=" "
- 5 rem**load "grades 2",8
- 10 rem**grade averaging*sort routines
- 20 rem**john l eubanks,ph.d
- 30 rem**pineville, louisiana 71360
- 40 rem**
- 50 rem**03/13/84
- 60 rem**
- 65 print"[147]"
- 68 print"**********[158]teacher's gradebook [146]**********[159]"
- 70 print""
- 73 print" version 2.0 [146][159]"
- 75 print""
- 80 print" john l eubanks,ph.d[146][159]"
- 82 print:print:print:print
- 85 for i=1to2000 :nexti:print"[147]"
- 100 print"you may average any number of grades "
- 110 print"for any number of students and "
- 115 print"calculate the letter grades for your[146] "
- 120 print"grading system."
- 130 print"if you wish to make a hard copy[146]"
- 135 print"connect your printer now. [146]"
- 140 print""
- 150 print"[158]this program does not save to disk.[146]"
- 153 print"you should send data to the printer[146]"
- 155 print"or copy the data by hand before [146]"
- 157 print"turning off the computer. [146][159]"
- 158 print""
- 165 print
- 167 dim n$(200),g(50),a(200),gl$(200)
- 170 input"press return to begin";r$
- 180 if r$="" then 300
- 290 rem**input variable length and dim
- 300 print"[147]"
- 320 input"enter the number of students";n%:print
- 340 input"how many grades per student ";ng
- 343 print
- 360 print"you may enter the names of";n%;"students"
- 365 print"with a maximum of";ng;"grades per student.":print
- 370 input"press return to continue";c$
- 375 if c$="" then 400
- 400 print"[147]"
- 490 rem**input student names
- 500 forx=1ton%:print"[147]"
- 510 print"when you are asked,type the"
- 520 print"student's name--last first"
- 530 print"[158]do not use commas in entry[159][146]"
- 540 print""
- 550 print"what is student's name?":print
- 560 input n$(x): print
- 570 rem**input grades
- 580 input"how many grades for [146][158]this[146][159] student";sg:print
- 595 if sg=<ng then 603
- 600 if sg>ng then print"you can only enter";ng;"grades"
- 602 print"<press a key>":poke198,0:wait198,1:goto580
- 603 let s=0
- 605 rem**input grades
- 610 for y=1tosg:print"[147]"
- 620 print"what is student's grade #"y" ?"
- 625 input g(y)
- 635 rem**calculate grade average
- 640 s=g(y)+s
- 650 next y
- 660 a(x)=s/sg:a(x)=int(a(x)+.5)
- 670 z=z+1
- 680 next x: rem**main loop return
- 700 rem**input letter grade values
- 710 print"[147]"
- 730 print"enter the (numerical) lower"
- 740 print"limits for each letter grade":print
- 750 input"lower limit of 'a'";b:print
- 760 input"lower limit of 'b'";c:print
- 770 input"lower limit of 'c'";d:print
- 780 input"lower limit of 'd'";e:print
- 785 rem**calculate upper limits
- 790 let bl=abs(b-1):let cl=abs(c-1):let dl=abs(d-1):let el=abs(e-1)
- 840 rem**display grade values
- 850 print"[147]":print"your grading system is: [146][159]"
- 860 print"[158]a=";b;"and above"
- 870 print"b=";c;"to";bl
- 880 print"c=";d;"to";cl
- 890 print"d=";e;"to";dl
- 900 print"f=";el;"and below[159]":print:print
- 902 input"press return to continue";v$
- 905 if v$="" then 910
- 910 rem**convert num averages to letters
- 915 for x=1ton%
- 920 if a(x) =>b then gl$(x) ="a"
- 930 if a(x) =>c and a(x) <b then gl$(x) ="b"
- 940 if a(x) =>d and a(x) <c then gl$(x) ="c"
- 950 if a(x) =>e and a(x) <d then gl$(x) ="d"
- 960 if a(x) =<el then gl$(x) ="f"
- 965 next x
- 970 print"[147]":print"to arrange by name,type 'n'"
- 975 print:print"to arrange by average,type 'g'":print
- 980 input"type 'n' or 'g'";m$
- 985 if m$="g" then gosub 5000
- 987 if m$="n" then 3060
- 990 rem**print headings to screen
- 1000 print"[147]"
- 1010 print"student name";tab(23);"average";tab(33);"grade"
- 1020 print:print
- 1025 rem**output print loop for screen
- 1030 for x=1toz
- 1032 f=f+1
- 1035 if f>20 then gosub 7000
- 1040 print n$(x);tab(26);a(x);tab(36);gl$(x)
- 1050 nextx
- 1070 print
- 1080 rem**
- 1990 rem**hard copy option
- 2000 print"type 'p' to send to printer"
- 2005 print"type 'q' to quit"
- 2010 input"enter 'p' or 'q'";p$
- 2020 if p$="p" then 2060
- 2030 goto3020
- 2050 rem**output print loop for printer
- 2060 open 4,4 :cmd4
- 2070 print"student name","average","grade"
- 2080 print:print
- 2090 for x=1 to z
- 3000 print n$(x)left$(sp$,24-len(n$(x)))a(x)left$(sp$,16-len(str$(a(x))))gl$(x)
- 3010 next x:print#4:close4
- 3020 rem now is the time to end
- 3030 goto63000
- 3035 :
- 3040 :
- 3050 rem**arrange by name**bubble sort
- 3060 t=n%-1
- 3070 flip=0:for s=1tot:ifn$(s)<=n$(s+1)then 3130
- 3080 switch$=n$(s):ha=a(s):hg$=gl$(s)
- 3090 n$(s)=n$(s+1):a(s)=a(s+1):gl$(s)=gl$(s+1)
- 3100 n$(s+1)=switch$:a(s+1)=ha:gl$(s+1)=hg$
- 3110 flip=1:t=s
- 3130 next s:if flip=1 then3070
- 3140 goto 1000
- 4990 rem**arrange by grades*bubble sort
- 5000 t=n%-1
- 5010 flip=0:for s=1to t:if a(s)>=a(s+1) then 5060
- 5020 ha=a(s):switch$=n$(s):hg$=gl$(s)
- 5030 a(s)=a(s+1):n$(s)=n$(s+1):gl$(s)=gl$(s+1)
- 5040 a(s+1)=ha:n$(s+1)=switch$:gl$(s+1)=hg$
- 5050 flip=1:t=s
- 5060 next s:if flip=1 then 5010
- 5070 return
- 6990 rem**stop when screen fills
- 7000 print chr$(18);"hit any key to continue"
- 7010 get an$:if an$="" then 7010
- 7020 f=0:print chr$(146)
- 7030 return
- 63000 print"[147][144]want to try again? (y/n)":poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 63002 ifz$<>"y"andz$<>"n"then63000
- 63004 ifz$="y"then170
- 63005 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63010 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end